Odoo Experience
Verantwortlich | Silvan Wyden |
Zuletzt aktualisiert | 25.11.2024 |
Zeitaufwand | 16 Stunden 5 Minuten |
Mitglieder | 3 |
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We can consider a document "audit-proof" if its content cannot be lost or modified once it is created.
Some countries, such as Germany [1], have rules which require some documents to be tracked in order to ensure, among others requirements, that they have not been modified.
We have developed a module which adds this functionality to Odoo.
- It gives a quick overview of the status of the files.
- It allows to select the models whose files will be audited by the company.
- It contain reports with information of the integrity of the files.
Key learnings:
We will introduce a module which implements audit-proof in Odoo, including examples, in order to show its potential.
Value to the audience:
You will learn what our module can do in order to use it in your Odoo (or to offer it to your customers in case of an Odoo partner) and forget about this topic.
Target audience:
Any people whose project is based on countries that require to audit the files in order to guarantee they follow the standards.
[1] https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/Downloads/BMF_Schreiben/Weitere_Steuerthemen/Abgabenordnung/2019-11-28-GoBD.html
Odoo Experience 2024
Alle ansehenMichael Ptas, unser Projektleiter, präsentiert in diesem Talk die Implementierung eines Selbstbedienungsladens in Odoo v16 für ein Marktplatzunternehmen, das nicht der Eigentümer der verkauften Waren ist. Zur Bewältigung der Herausforderungen in Buchhaltung und Lagerverwaltung wird die BT-Arba (automatisierte, regelbasierte Buchhaltung) eingesetzt. Ausserdem werden Verbesserungen des POS-Systems, wie visuelle und funktionale Erweiterungen sowie halbautomatisierte Buchhaltungsfunktionen, besprochen.
Dominik Rütti, unser Projektmanager, zeigt Ihnen in der Präsentation wie unser neues Modul die automatische Buchung von Transaktionen in Odoo erleichtert. Prozentsätze jeder Rechnungsposition können präzise auf Konten gebucht werden, unabhängig von Odos analytischer Buchhaltung – ideal für mittelständische Unternehmen zur Kostenplanung. Es werden auch Anwendungsfälle, individuelle Setups und eine Live-Demo der Modul-Funktionen präsentiert.
Unser Projektleiter, Daniel Göppner, zeigt in diesem Talk wie Odoo Unternehmen beim Wachstum unterstützt, am Beispiel der digitalen Transformation von Salinen, einem führenden Unternehmen der Salzindustrie im Tourismussektor. Wir beleuchten die strategischen Schritte, Meilensteine und wertvolle Erkenntnisse des Projekts. Erfahren Sie, wie Odoo als effektives Werkzeug für Wachstum und Erfolg in Unternehmen jeder Grösse eingesetzt werden kann.
Odoo Experience 2023
Alle ansehenWie der Umgang mit frischen Waren gelingt, zeigt unser Projektleiter und Consultant, Max Walo. Lernen Sie, wie in Odoo Liefertermine und die Verfügbarkeit von Chargen analysiert werden, um die optimalen Lager- und Lieferdetails zu bestimmen. Dieser individuelle Workflow führt das standardisierte System mit Verfallsdatum weiterund bringt Transparenz sowie Effizienz.
Riccardo Fiore, Projektleiter und Consultant, zeigt wie braintec die Odoo Standard App PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) erweitert und die neue Funktion PLC (Price List Change) geschaffen hat. Diese hilft Mitarbeitenden im Verkauf bei der Verwaltung von Preislisten und optimiert den gesamten Workflow in der Fertigung. PLC umfasst die schnelle und effiziente Änderungen von Preisen inklusive integriertem Genehmigungsprozess, Revisionsprotokoll und Datum der Wirksamkeit.
Unser Projektleiter und Consultant, Lukas Minder, zeigt wie die Kindschi Söhne AG all ihre Geschäftsprozesse nahtlos in die Odoo Business Software integriert hat. Bei der Implementierung lag der Fokus auf der Einhaltung von gesetzlichen Vorgaben für die Deklaration von alkoholischen Produkten sowie der adäquaten Berichterstattung in Produktion und Handel.
Odoo Experience 2022
Alle ansehenOdoo provides excellent tools to manage all your business cases within some clicks. Over the years, great features have been implemented, and the processes are getting better and more business related. This talk will show you how you can use Odoo as a time management and attendance system with great benefits for your employees and the management based on real customer experience.
We have implemented some additional features to achieve better 360-degree management of the employees' work/attendance/leave time. We ensured that employees had a transparent overview of their work and leave time within one click.
Additionally, we integrated even more features:
- define for each work location public holidays (within the same company)
- define employee break times, which can be recorded
- start and end time for timesheet entries
- overview of current time balance within one click, where time off is included in the overview
- annually cutoff and possibility to close/book end-of-year balances
- and much more!
Managers, consultants, and Odooers looking for a smart timesheet suite will get some insights and ideas on using Odoo as an extended time and attendance management system within any organization.
Landi is one of the big retailers in Switzerland, organized in many local co-ops spread all over the country. Engrained in their DNA, is the close ties to their local customers, often from rural communities. Being founded by local farmers, this also manifests in their approach to eCommerce: When customers order, goods can be collected at the local store or delivered to their homes - but in any case, the order is always prepared in the local store, never in any central warehouse far away.
This created a solution that is very widespread and distributed in nature. A webshop that integrated with their existing website on one side and many interfacing systems for the fulfillment on the other hand - and all integrated with an existing IT landscape with master data coming together from different places - needed to be connected.
Here Odoo got the role as the cornerstone of the architecture. Every piece of information is routed through Odoo, which is the single source of truth for everything eCommerce.
Specifically, master data from different systems need to be handled and forwarded, every order is automated in Odoo and every step of the process is tracked in detail until the order is collected or delivered using one of the different delivery services and types. All customer communication through email, text, or push messages is centrally done through Odoo. Additionally, the Helpdesk app is used to handle all exceptions and customer inquiries centrally. Of course, the customer invoices and vendor bills are also automated and managed in Odoo.
For Landi, Odoo now does all the heavy lifting in the core of their eCommerce architecture that offers the 360° view of the operations as well as keeps the door open for dynamic and flexible development in the future.
This talk will give an overview of the architecture and deep dive into some remarkable details of the implementation that will be valuable to anyone thinking about using Odoo in an environment of existing other systems that need to be integrated.
Odoo provides you with the tools to maximize the knowledge of your employees. This talk focuses on the apps that allow you to empower your employees with advanced knowledge management.
Are you a project manager, product owner, or functional consultant? Then this talk is for you. You will learn how good knowledge management will allow you to do better Odoo projects.
Knowledge (new)
Skills Management
In addition to those apps, this talk will highlight the features that allow you to embed knowledge in key processes. Examples:
Quality checks with detailed instructions.
Manufacturing orders with worksheets.
For Odoo projects, it is essential to have a strategy for knowledge building and training. For this reason, we will also address the following questions:
Who should you train?
When should you train?
How should you train?
Drawing from his experience at braintec, the biggest Odoo partner in Europe, Nicolas Frei will share insights gained in Odoo projects since 2014.
Target audience:
Project managers, product owners, and functional consultants
Odoo Experience 2021
Alle ansehenWe can consider a document "audit-proof" if its content cannot be lost or modified once it is created.
Some countries, such as Germany [1], have rules which require some documents to be tracked in order to ensure, among others requirements, that they have not been modified.
We have developed a module which adds this functionality to Odoo.
- It gives a quick overview of the status of the files.
- It allows to select the models whose files will be audited by the company.
- It contain reports with information of the integrity of the files.
Key learnings:
We will introduce a module which implements audit-proof in Odoo, including examples, in order to show its potential.
Value to the audience:
You will learn what our module can do in order to use it in your Odoo (or to offer it to your customers in case of an Odoo partner) and forget about this topic.
Target audience:
Any people whose project is based on countries that require to audit the files in order to guarantee they follow the standards.
[1] https://www.bundesfinanzministerium.de/Content/DE/Downloads/BMF_Schreiben/Weitere_Steuerthemen/Abgabenordnung/2019-11-28-GoBD.html
Braintec-group implemented a customised portal solution to digitally submit applications for the promotion of photovoltaic plants. Pronovo AG is a medium-size company responsible for processing and compensating of around 30000 subsidy applications of sustainable electricity producers per year. Therefore Pronovo AG is one of the key players in order to transform Switzerland into a sustainable, CO2 neutral country.
The tool consists of a frontend part (portal) and the backend part (where the subsidies are processed by Pronovo AG):
The Frontend part provides solutions for:
- User Registration and Management
- Dynamic Application Form for the subsidy
- Case form tempates in order to save time during the application
The Backend part provides solutions for:
- A rule based workflow engine to manage the applications
- Validation of the passed data including automated validation and integrated approval processes
- Integration of required third party system interfaces
- The administration of the dynamic application form
- The extended administration for portal users and and their roles
- Automated e-mails depending on the workflow of a case
With Odoo Pronovo AG is now way more efficient while processing and managing these applications.
Key learnings:
- How to provide dynamic portal views
- Digitalization of analog application processes
Value to the audience:
- Processing and digitalizing of applications of all kinds
Target audience:
- Project Managers, Consultannts, Clients
Are you a trading company in need of offering volume pricing / scale pricing to your customers? Would you like to provide your customers with special prices if their orders amount to a specific quantity / volume? If the answer is yes, then this is your talk!
Standard Odoo pricelists allow you to define different sales prices for one product depending on the quantity you sell of that product. However, sometimes the price of a product does not depend on the quantity you sell of that product, but on the global quantity you sell in a whole sales order. Such a case is not covered by standard Odoo pricelists and that is why you need a specific Volume Pricing / Scale Pricing App.
Example of volume pricing / scale pricing:
- If your order contains 1-100 units of products A & B, the price of A is 10€ and the price of B is 15€.
- If your order contains 101-300 units of products A & B, the price of A is 9.50€ and the price of B is 14.50€.
- If your order contains more than 300 units of products A & B, the price of A is 9.00€ and the price of B is 14.00€.
Therefore, if your order contains 60 units of product A and 250 units of Product B, in total the order contains 310 units and thus, the prices applied are 9.00€ and 14.00€ respectively.
What does our app offer? It allows you to create scale pricing lists, which allows you to define the specific scale prices that a given customer has for a given set of products, defining for each product a specific validity period.
Key learnings:
- What is volume pricing / scale pricing?
- Limitations of standard pricelists
- Scale pricing app
Value to the audience:
- Managing volume pricing / scale pricing in any Odoo flavour (Community and Enterprise).
Target audience:
- Trading companies
- Companies wanting to boost their sales by offering scale prices
- Companies with complex pricing schemes
Odoo Experience 2020
Alle ansehenMany companies buy products in one unit of measure, for example in kg. Then processes them internally and sells the product again but with a different unit of measure e.g. in packs of 15 kg. For that reason, the braintec-group has developed a sub-module to easily let users set different unit measures for the different parts of the trade process.
This talk shows the path of the products in a trading environment and how they can change from when they’re purchased to when they are sold. This presentation is targeted to users who want to customize Odoo to have a second unit of measurement in different parts of the purchase-sale process.
During the talk, the standalone sub-module features will be explained. Then some examples of real situations will be shown demonstrating how the sub-module has been customized to different clients' needs.
Professional project management is a major success factor in ERP projects. Scrum is an agile project management framework that fits the Odoo world perfectly. This talk will focus on requirements management, prototyping with Odoo Studio and delivery in larger Odoo projects.
Requirements Management:
- Backlog & User Stories: How to manage requirements in an agile way.
- Need a Scrum board? Use Odoo!
- "Must Have's" and how to get rid of them.
Prototyping with Odoo Studio:
- Rapid prototyping saves time and money.
- Use the powers of Odoo Studio to impress your audience.
- Go-Live and releases: Start small and early. Release frequently.
- Training: How to train employees effectively in the times of COVID-19.
Why Scrum?
Odoo's "Implementation Methodology" has many things in common with the agile approach of Scrum. In larger projects, Scrum has the advantage of providing more structure for teams consisting of several consultants and/or developers. The goal of this talk is to highlight success factors in large Odoo projects. Drawing from his experience at brain-tec, the biggest Odoo partner in Europe, Nicolas Frei will share insights gained in many large projects since 2014.
Are you a Project Manager, Scrum Master or Odoo Consultant? Do you want to implement Odoo in your company? Then this talk is for you.
As Odoo continues to become a powerful ERP, we’re faced with many customer requests to include Odoo in their Supply Chains using EDI*. In this talk we will give a brief overview how the EDI flow works in general based on message types.
We will demonstrate a use case and how the system is implemented including proper error handling. The target audience for this talk is all companies using Odoo and have the need to implement complex supply chains with multiple parties, following industrial standards.
The value to the audience is given in an overview of how processes can be handled and automated, as well as discussing technical and functional questions, as the head developer will lead the technical part of the presentation. The structure of the talk will be a quick presentation followed by a live demo.
*EDI is a quite vague word for a connection between many parties, so we need to specify that we focused on the GS1 XML 3.4 Standard.
Odoo Experience 2019
Alle ansehenAn easy way to integrate Odoo in a landscape with peripheral systems that provide ODBC interfacing. It's a smart approach to introduce Odoo in a complex system architecture that cannot be replaced totally by Odoo in a first step. Target Audience audience are Consultants and developers who are interested in connecting Odoo with other systems via Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
Try Odoo online at https://www.odoo.com
For more information concerning the talks, please visit: https://www.odoo.com/event/odoo-experience-2019-2019-09-30-2019-10-04-1629/agenda
Odoo offers from the core an LDAP integration. This integration is very helpful in LDAP based environments to manage users in a central place. Our App extends the functionality with clean group integrations so that LDAP OU’s can match user groups in Odoo and the group participation can be managed centrally. All transactions are logged "in a clean way" and users can be deactivated as well inside LDAP.
Watch this talk to find out how to manage user roles in bigger IT environments and see a real use case (500 Employees and a very frequent change of users). Target audience: End Users / Administrators / Integration Partners (no technical background needed).
Try Odoo online at https://www.odoo.com
For more information concerning the talks, please visit: https://www.odoo.com/event/odoo-experience-2019-2019-09-30-2019-10-04-1629/agenda
In this presentation, you will learn about the brain-tec SCRUM Module for Standard Odoo Project Management, 100% based on Odoo and dedicated to Project managers or Business Owners as well as Odoo partners running an agile Project. You can also expect an overview of the different features, especially the ones developed for the agile Project (on top of all standard features of Odoo which are also very useful for Projects). This talk will be most beneficial to anyone involved in Projects of Odoo applications or running projects in Odoo.
Try Odoo online at https://www.odoo.com
For more information concerning the talks, please visit: https://www.odoo.com/event/odoo-experience-2019-2019-09-30-2019-10-04-1629/agenda