Odoo Experience
Audit-proof storage of documents in Odoo
5176 Ansichten •Powerful and Flexible Odoo File Data Importer
5228 Ansichten •Odoo Payroll Compliance: The Case of Switzerland
4547 Ansichten •Supporting Sustainable Energy Through Digitized, Efficient Application Processes
5217 Ansichten •Using Artificial Intelligence to Recommend Products, Upsell, and Increase Revenue in Odoo
5145 Ansichten •Create Scale Pricing Lists With Odoo
5628 Ansichten •Odoo and Scrum: a perfect match
5783 Ansichten •Odoo Extended LDAP Connection
5783 Ansichten •Create Scale Pricing Lists With Odoo
5628 Ansichten •Manage your employees' time more efficiently
5605 Ansichten •Update to the ODBC Connector with Odoo
5538 Ansichten •Running an Agile Project in Odoo
5415 Ansichten •The power of EDI based on GS1 XML 3.4
5361 Ansichten •UNECE Standards for Meat in Odoo
5328 Ansichten •Powerful and Flexible Odoo File Data Importer
5228 Ansichten •Supporting Sustainable Energy Through Digitized, Efficient Application Processes
5217 Ansichten •How one of the biggest retailers in Switzerland handle all its online orders with Odoo
5187 Ansichten •Audit-proof storage of documents in Odoo
5176 Ansichten •Using Artificial Intelligence to Recommend Products, Upsell, and Increase Revenue in Odoo
5145 Ansichten •Knowledge is power! Empower your employees with Odoo.
5128 Ansichten •Second Units of Measure
5012 Ansichten •Financial Plans: Budgets and Forecasts
4672 Ansichten •Odoo Payroll Compliance: The Case of Switzerland
4547 Ansichten •Efficient customer care with intelligent Helpdesk ticket assignation
4289 Ansichten •Odoo für Outlet Stores
2802 Ansichten •Einfache Preislistenverwaltung in Odoo
2592 Ansichten •Create Scale Pricing Lists With Odoo
Are you a trading company in need of offering volume pricing / scale pricing to your customers? Would you like to provide your customers with special prices if their orders amount to a specific quantity / volume? If the answer is yes, then this is your talk!
Standard Odoo pricelists allow you to define different sales prices for one product depending on the quantity you sell of that product. However, sometimes the price of a product does not depend on the quantity you sell of that product, but on the global quantity you sell in a whole sales order. Such a case is not covered by standard Odoo pricelists and that is why you need a specific Volume Pricing / Scale Pricing App.
Example of volume pricing / scale pricing:
- If your order contains 1-100 units of products A & B, the price of A is 10€ and the price of B is 15€.
- If your order contains 101-300 units of products A & B, the price of A is 9.50€ and the price of B is 14.50€.
- If your order contains more than 300 units of products A & B, the price of A is 9.00€ and the price of B is 14.00€.
Therefore, if your order contains 60 units of product A and 250 units of Product B, in total the order contains 310 units and thus, the prices applied are 9.00€ and 14.00€ respectively.
What does our app offer? It allows you to create scale pricing lists, which allows you to define the specific scale prices that a given customer has for a given set of products, defining for each product a specific validity period.
Key learnings:
- What is volume pricing / scale pricing?
- Limitations of standard pricelists
- Scale pricing app
Value to the audience:
- Managing volume pricing / scale pricing in any Odoo flavour (Community and Enterprise).
Target audience:
- Trading companies
- Companies wanting to boost their sales by offering scale prices
- Companies with complex pricing schemes
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