Intelligent helpdesk ticket assignment in Odoo

Intelligent helpdesk ticket assignment in Odoo

In four exciting talks, our braintec experts shared their knowledge with the community at the Odoo Experience 2022. In this article, we introduce the talk "Efficient customer care with intelligent Helpdesk ticket assignation" in detail.

The extension of braintec for the Helpdesk module of Odoo is designed for companies that handle large numbers of support cases. It ensures an efficient customer support through the intelligent assignment of tickets in the Odoo Helpdesk app.

"The module considers the individual skills of the customer care agents as well as their availability as conditions for the ticket assignation," explains Lukas Minder, Consultant and Project Manager at braintec.

Diese automatisierte und intelligente Zuweisung von Tickets hilft, die Supportfälle direkt an die Mitarbeitenden mit den entsprechenden Skills wie zum Beispiel Sprachkenntnisse, Fach- und Bereichswissen, etc. zu übergeben. Dadurch können Supportanfragen einfacher, schneller und besser abwickeln.

In the video you will find out more about the user-centric extension of the Odoo Helpdesk app and gain an impression of the application in the live demo.  


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