Odoo Extensions + Customizations
For individual requirements, our specialists further develop the existing Odoo modules with additional or new functions. In doing so, we always pay attention to an economical and efficient extension that enables a long-term improvement of your company- or industry-specific processes and interfaces.

Odoo Add-On Modules
We help with the selection and choice of modules from the Odoo Open Source Community OCA (Odoo Community Association) or when third-party modules should be used and combined with Odoo. With our experience and network in the Odoo ecosystem and beyond, we know what works and where challenges can arise.

Odoo modules and add-ons from braintec
We also offer compact solutions for Odoo standard modules and add-ons for various business areas. These solutions are already successfully used by our customers and can be customized and further developed to meet your needs.
Martin Mülchi, Head of Planning
LANDI Schweiz AG
The omnichannel solution by braintec with Odoo enables us to have a 360-degree view and efficient operations in eCommerce. By centralizing and automating our processes, we provide a simple and straightforward solution to both our customers and the LANDI stores, which handle eCommerce orders in a decentralized manner.
Country-specific Odoo solutions from braintec
Odoo Switzerland
Fully integrated HR management system incl. Swissdec-certified payroll accounting and time recording according to Swiss law.
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Swissdec-certified payroll module
With a standardised salary reporting procedure (ELM) for the electronic transmission of salary data to authorities and social insurance schemes in Switzerland.
Digitalize your
company with
Our expertise