

Pronovo AG, a subsidiary of Swissgrid, is an accredited certification body of the Swiss government. It handles federal support programmes for renewable energies, including additional cost financing, the feed-in tariff system and one-off payments for photovoltaic systems. Pronovo's work supports the promotion of new renewable energies and provides important market information.​

What braintec has implemented

Braintec has successfully digitalised Pronovo's central business processes, thereby increasing efficiency and transparency. The implementation encompassed a range of key business processes, including accounting, bookkeeping, payroll accounting, time and attendance management, absence management, expense management, helpdesk and case management. The payroll solution, certified by Swissdec, offers innovative features and customisations for Swiss payroll accounting. This has resulted in the creation of a modern, integrated digital foundation for company administration.

More about pronovo's efficient case management

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